Morgan Bonwell

Morgan Bonwell

Founder & CEO

Right Strategies

About Morgan Bonwell

Morgan Bonwell is the Founder and CEO of Right Strategies. Morgan grew up in Northeast Iowa on 40-acres with her grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and brother, Wyatt Earl. She learned the value of hard work helping at the family business her Poppy (and inspiration!) launched in 1978. Morgan has spent almost a decade in politics where she became an expert in voter contact at the door and on the phone. After working with the Republican Party of Iowa, at the Iowa State Capitol, and for the Indiana Republican Party, she joined a voter contact firm as a Campaign Director managing voter contact plans for candidates and issue organizations across the nation. She quickly moved up into a Vice President role and was tasked with managing multi-million-dollar clients; giving strategic advice, building relationships, and helping them win their campaigns. In 2022, Morgan set out to start Right Strategies to help first-time conservative candidates. She resides in Altoona, Iowa with her husband Michael, children Beau and Ellie, and dogs Maudie and Maverick. In her free time, she enjoys going “home” to Charles City to spend time with her close-knit family!